Friday, 18 June 2010


Last night was the Private View!

The FMP has come to an end, it all mounted up to one moment which was last night. The night went really well, there were loads of people visiting, I was actually quite surprised about the number of people there! My work is on the wall and I will have trouble pulling it off thanks to the industrial strength velcro I used to fix it.

All in all, a superb night and it was amazing to see everybody's work being up on the walls

Wednesday, 16 June 2010


I am having increasingly little time to update my blog since it's so busy getting all of the last minute work done and turning the college into a gallery space. Right now I haven't got my prints made up and mounted yet, they need to go in the exhibition as quick as possible. I will have to put them up tomorrow morning first thing, sorry tutors!

Friday, 11 June 2010


I have decided on the 4 panoramas I will use in the exhibition. They are the 4 that worked best out of all of them, the best colours, tones, brightness, composition, focus. I just need to get them printed up and mounted now

Monday, 7 June 2010


I have finally got some new photographs to aid my project. Last night I went out and spent a few hours taking new photos for the work, and I have a load of stills right now and tonight I will turn them into panoramas, and maybe use some of them in the final exhibition