Monday, 26 April 2010

First Post

Well, here we go, the very first post on this brand new blog. It starts, today. Here you will find daily updates on what I have been up to in relation to my Final Major Project, but first, let me actually tell you exactly what I am going to be doing! There's no smoke without fire, you'll need to know the whole story. The easiest way of telling you what my project is about is by showing you this:

I am calling my project ‘Human Intervention Devoid of Human Life’. It’s a theme I have been itching to explore for many months; I will work towards producing a series of exquisite night photographs of desolate urban environments exploring how the location changes at night when there are no people going about their day to day business. These spaces are no longer beautiful in the regular sense, the entire mood changes and becomes solemn, and I want to capture this in my photographs. I developed a big love for Photography in the Pathway Stage, and I want to build on what I have learnt already, and push my skills of composition and lighting in order to grow and improve. 

I'll give you a minute to take it all in, look out for my next post tomorrow!

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