Wednesday, 5 May 2010


Today I have been giving a little bit of thought about the presentation of my large panorama at the exhibition. I'd rather start thinking about it now than let it get to the putting up of the exhibition and panicking and rushing it. My tutorial with Paul today got me thinking, a panorama always looks better larger rather than smaller. My print outs at A3 size just are way too small to be able to really appreciate what is going on in the image. So Paul suggested that at the exhibition, it should be large, as large as I can afford. And a seamless print. it is possible to do this at home since my father owns a large format printer for his line of work. But doing one long image down the middle of the vinyl (rather than paper), would cause so much wasted material and would really not be cost effective to his business...and these current economic climates and all that really don't allow for comfortable waste of expensive material. There are other options I need to research, there are other places I can get a large format print from but it would cost me money, a fair bit of money. But back to the matter in hand, the print should be big enough to fill the viewers immediate line of sight, so they dont have to tilt their head sideways to see it all, they should be far enough back so that this happens. Then can see the whole image without moving their head. I think this is how I want it to be displayed in the exhibition.

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